DCM Holdings
Basic Policy Regarding
Customer Harassment
With serving, creation and unity as our corporate motto, will create new products and services for our customers, flexibly respond to change, unite with the community, and realize an indispensable corporate form that serves society. On the other hand, amidst the demands, speech and behavior from customers that goes beyond what could be considered common sense, we’ve encountered those which threaten the dignity of our employees, including speech and behavior that denies the character of employees, physical violence and sexual harassment. This is a grave issue that threatens to deteriorate our workplace environment.Therefore, we have formulated our “Basic Policy against Customer Harassment”.
We will respond to customers with sincerity, in the unlikely event that we are subjected to such behavior by a customer, we will take a firm stand in order to protect the dignity of our employees.
Defining What We Consider Customer Harassment
Based on the “Corporate Manual for Measures Against Customer Harassment” issued by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, we define customer harassment as, amid complaints, speech and behavior from customers, that which upon checking the validity of their content are inappropriate in terms of common view and considered to threaten the workplace environment of workers.
[Relevant Conduct]
- Abusive language, insults and overbearing attitudes: Shouting, insulting speech and aggressive expression.
- Restraining for a long time: Restraining employees for a long time, overstaying and keeping on the phone for an extended period of time.
- Speech and behavior that could be considered sexual harassment: Touching the bodies of employees, lying in wait for them or following them.
- Violent speech and behavior: Punching, kicking, hitting, throwing things and damage to facilities and products in stores.
- Posting to social networking services: Posting on the internet that does damage to reputation, and that which violates privacy.
This is not limited to that which is listed above.
[Response to Customer Harassment]
- We engage with complaints by working towards logical resolutions through dialogue to build better relationships.
- We give cautions and warnings with a resolute stance with regard to customer harassment.
- If we deem the incident to be malicious, we will contact the police and take appropriate action.
- If we determine that customer harassment has occurred, we may ban customers from our stores in addition to ending any response.
October 2024
DCM Holdings Co., Ltd.
Representative Director, President, and COO
Yasunori Ishiguro