Message from top management

I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to our customers, shareholders, and business partners for your continued support of the DCM Group.
We, the DCM Group, are a group of like-minded home centers that are steadily growing while integrating and innovating our business infrastructure.
I have come. In fiscal 2021, five home center business companies will be integrated as DCM Corporation, and the store name will be changed in fiscal 2022.
have been unified. In January 2024, we will integrate Keiyo Co., Ltd. to become even closer to our customers and provide trust in the region.
We aim to be a store that people rely on. A sales floor for DIY and gardening that helps customers turn their ideas and thoughts into reality.
In addition to further strengthening our store lineup and expanding our lineup of attractive products as a ``DCM-like'' store, we are also increasing customer feedback.
We will respond to your questions and provide more opportunities and places for you to experience it.
In fiscal 2024, we will strive to create a new generation of home centers in order to realize our 2030 vision of becoming a comprehensive company that makes life more comfortable.
In the second year of the third medium-term management plan, which aims to take on the challenge of "Re-activating stores + expanding business areas," the entire company is working together as one.
I'm going to work on it. Among these efforts, we are developing a store strategy centered on clarifying the roles of each store size, private brand
In addition to focusing on deepening our product development system, we are building our unique "BOPIS" style, rebuilding our home helpers, and improving logistics.
While working to further promote low-cost operations by increasing efficiency and improving the efficiency of store operations, we aim to achieve sustainable
We will pursue the creation of sustainable business value and increased shareholder value.
Based on our “Do Create Mystyle Giving Shape to Your Dreams for Life” management philosophy, we are going to take on the challenge of creating new value, with which we can achieve a more comfortable life and living through DIY. We would like to thank you for your continued support.
DCM Holdings Co., Ltd.
Representative Director, Chairman, and CEO Toshihiro Hisada
Representative Director, President, and COO Yasunori Ishiguro
*BOPIS: (Buy Online Pick-up In Store) In-store and on-line
Seamless integration of line businesses
*Living Helper: A service that responds to housing concerns.