Company Information

Message from top management
Read the message from Chairman Toshihiro Hisada and President Yasunori Ishiguro.
Corporate profile
View an overview of DCM Holdings Co., Ltd.
Group companies
Learn about the Group companies of DCM Holdings.
Corporate governance
We are strengthening our corporate governance in order to continue to be supported as a valuable company.
Compliance Policy
We have laid out our compliance statement, charter of corporate behavior and our code of conduct. We ensure that all employees are well-versed in these, that we are observing laws, ordinances and societal norms, and that we are preventing corruption.
Environmental Policy
We will strive to preserve the environment and fulfill our responsibility to pass on a beautiful planet to future generations.
Human Rights Policy
Through the creation of a workplace where a diverse array of human resources can be active and a deepening of our understanding of human rights, we will fulfill our responsibility towards respecting human rights.
Procurement Policy
We work with our suppliers towards the creation of a better, sustainable society.
Compliance with TCFD proposal
We position addressing climate change as a key issue and contribute to the realization of a decarbonized society.
Human Capital Management
We view human resources as "capital" and maximize their value to enhance corporate value over the medium to long term.
Health Management Declaration
We will actively promote initiatives that maintain and increase the health of our employees.