DCM Holdings
Human Rights Policy
In the spirit of the “service,” “creation,” and “unity” DCM Holdings Co., Ltd. (hereinafter, “We”) raised in our corporate policy, we’re going to realize our “Do Create My Style: Giving Form to Lifestyle Dreams” management philosophy and we’re engaging in business activities to create abundant lifestyles together with our customers. Additionally, through corporate activities, we’re aiming to be continuously backed by all of our stakeholders, including customers, employees, clients, stockholders, local communities and society, as a company with value.
In the realization of our management philosophy, we’re going to work together with all of our stakeholders towards the creation of abundant lifestyles where human rights are respected through the creation of a workplace where a diverse array of human resources can be active and through respect for human rights. To understand human rights, and to fulfill our responsibility towards respecting human rights, we drafted the DCM Holdings Human Rights Policy (hereinafter, “human rights policy”).
1. Basic Stance on Human Rights
We understand that there is a chance that our corporate activities will have an effect on human rights, and are aware that fulfilling our responsibility towards respecting human rights is our most important priority as a corporation. Additionally, we observe all laws, ordinances and regulations in every country and region in which we conduct business activities.
We understand that the following international declarations and principles are the standard for thinking about human rights, and we support these.
“International Bill of Human Rights (Universal Declaration of Human Rights and International Covenants on Human Rights)”
“ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work”
“The Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact”
“OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises” “ISO 26000”
“Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights”
2. Applicable Scope of Human Rights Policy
Our human rights policy is applicable to all of our executives and all employees. All executives and employees understand the human rights policy and conduct themselves in a manner that is respectful of the human rights of others. When it has become clear that any client or other parties related to our business are having a negative effect on human rights, we request that the relevant client or other party mend their ways. Additionally, we will not start dealings with a company that is clearly participating in human rights violations.
3. Important Issues
- Prohibition of Discrimination
We prohibit any discrimination on the basis of race, nation, sexuality, language, age, religion, political or other opinions, thoughts and beliefs, nationality, social background, assets, birthplace or any other factors (sexual orientation, gender identity, health status, presence of disability). Additionally, we prohibit compulsion to work through violence, derogatory remarks, abuse, slander or coercion and prohibit infringement upon human rights through things such as bullying. Additionally, in hiring and employment, we will not disadvantage anyone for any attributes that are not related to work. - Prohibition of Excessive and Undue Labor
We prohibit excessive labor in line with international declarations and principles, and domestically, in addition to a 40 hour work week, when exceeding the limitation of overtime work hours laid out in the labor-management agreement based on Article 36 of the Labor Standards Act (hereinafter, “Agreement 36”), employees will not be asked to work aside from temporary, extraordinary situations. Even if the situation falls within the scope of Agreement 36, consideration will be given to the health and safety of employees. Additionally, we will ensure those employees have suitable break time. - Prohibition of Compulsion to Work
We respect the fundamental human right of allowing employees to work of their own freewill, and to choose their work freely. We prohibit labor compelled through threat of penalty and all labor that the employee did not willingly undertake of their own volition. - Prohibition of Child Labor
We prohibit labor performed by children under the minimum age of employment laid out in the law. - Prevention of Insufficient / Unpaid Wages
We observe laws related to wages and make payments equivalent to the wages laid out beforehand in employment contracts and work regulations on the prescribed pay dates. We give consideration to prices of commodities in the regions where employees and their families live and make revisions to wages as is necessary. - Guaranteeing Safety and Health of Labor
We offer opportunities to confirm mental and physical health, such as health checkups and stress checks. We offer a safe and hygienic labor environment in line with laws and ordinances. We actively implement measures to prevent against infection. - Prohibition of Harassment
We prohibit any and all forms of harassment. We will secure opportunities to periodically educate our employees with the aim of preventing harassment before it occurs. - Freedom of Association
We respect the right of employees to enter labor unions, and prohibit acts that would put employees at a disadvantage like having not joining as an employment condition or dismissal as a result of having participated in a labor union. Additionally, we will not prevent employees from forming their own union. We respond to requests from collective bargaining from labor unions and deliberate appropriately.
4. Organizational Structure Towards Human Rights Initiatives
Based on our human rights policy, the organization to promote human rights engages in human rights initiatives under the supervision of the board of directors.
5. Implementation of Due Diligence for Human Rights
We will construct mechanisms for due diligence for human rights in line with the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, and work to prevent and mitigate negative effects on human rights.
6. Relief Measures
We appropriately and fairly operate grievance mechanisms so anyone that may have their human rights infringed upon by our business activities can access effective relief. Substantively, we will establish a service center that employees and customers can contact for consultations, and ensure that anyone can contact it. Additionally, the information gathered through consultations and reports will be handled with consideration given to the protection of personal information and an appropriate response will be implemented. We do not accept nor overlook human rights infringements, and, in the event we receive a report or statement that human rights are not being respected, we will perform an appropriate investigation and engage in initiatives and the promotion of corrections.
7. Fostering a Corporate Climate Around and Talking to Stakeholders About Respecting Human Rights
We engage in education and developmental activities so that all executives and employees are well-versed in our human rights policies. We regularly engage in close talks and negotiations with our stakeholders to prevent human rights violations before they occur. And, through having external experts on human rights weigh in, we will improve our initiatives towards respecting human rights. We also conduct educational activities for our clients so that they can support our human rights policies.
8. Implementation of Monitoring
We periodically monitor the state of observance of our human rights policies.
9. Disclosure of Information
We disclose information related to our human rights policies and initiatives towards the respecting of human rights through our DCM Holdings Co., Ltd. website.
August 2022
DCM Holdings Co., Ltd.
Representative Director, President, and COO
Yasunori Ishiguro