Health Management Declaration
DCM Holdings Co., Ltd. (Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo, Representative Director, President and COO: Yasunori Ishiguro) and our subsidiary DCM Co., Ltd. have been designated as “Health and Productivity Management Organizations 2024” on March 11, 2024. Certified.
We believe that the health of our employees is vital in the realization of our “Do Create My Style: Giving Form to Lifestyle Dreams” management philosophy and in the creation of abundant lifestyles together with our customers. We understand that human resources are the greatest management resource, and we will actively promote initiatives that maintain and increase the health of our employees so that each and every employee can be healthy both mentally and physically and be enthusiastic about working.
<Main Initiatives>
1. Ascertaining employee health problems and investigating necessary measures
- Employee health checkup attendance: 100%
- Recommendation of consultations for reexaminations and treatment for those who need it
- Implementation of company-wide stress checks
2. Creation of foundations for implementation of health management
- Implementation of education related to mental health for management and employees
- Overtime reductions
3. Substantive measures towards mental and physical health development for employees
- Recommendation of consultations for those subject to specific health guidance
- Deter and revise time-intensive labor
Our company promotes health management with the following system.

March 2024
DCM Holdings Co., Ltd.
DCM Co., Ltd.