Business overview
Conditions for FYE February 28, 2021
In fiscal 2021, ended February 28, 2021, despite the continued to operate, thereby fulfilling its role as a provider of essential goods and services.
At the sametime, the Group implemented measures to deal with the pandemic while giving top priority to the health and safety of our employees and customers.
The Group’s stores posted brisk sales of pandemicrelated items, including masks, disinfectant products, and hand soap. Sales of cooking and cleaning supplies, gardening tools, leisure products, and interior goods were also strong, reflecting the increased time that consumers spent at home amid COVID-19 restrictions.Likewise, office supplies and storage containers as well as indoor sporting and training goods sold well as more and more people began working at home.
Meanwhile, we stepped up our development and promotions of DCM brand products. As a result, sales of these products were up and the proportion of their sales to total product sales increased.
Over the course of fiscal 2021, the Group opened 11 new stores and closed 11 stores. It also transferred the operations of 10 auto parts stores elsewhere. As a result of these changes, the Group operated a total of 663 stores as of February 28, 2021.
The Group was able to effectively capture growing market demand from consumers who spent more time at home and telecommuted during the pandemic.Consequently, consolidated financial results increased across the board in fiscal 2021 compared with the previous fiscal year. Operating revenue increased by 7.7% to ¥471,192 million, operating profit jumped 45.2% to ¥30,254 million, and ordinary profit rose 47.0% to ¥29,550 million. Profit attributable to owners of parent came to ¥18,594 million, up 34.9% year on year.